Does niacinamide help with acne?


Have you heard of glass skin? The Korean beauty trend is all about achieving a moist, dewy complexion. Niacinamide is among the key ingredients for achieving that radiant effect. But there is more to niacinamide than a single K-beauty trend. This multitasking ingredient comes with numerous benefits, including for people with acne-prone skin.


What is niacinamide?

Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3 and is also known as nicotinamide. As the human body does not produce this substance naturally, one must ingest it through foods rich in Vitamin B3. Think eggs, milk, fish, beans, and green vegetables.
A balanced diet will keep you from a Vitamin B3 deficiency, but the levels may not be sufficient for reaping skincare benefits. If you need respite from acne, for example, you may need extra support from topical skincare formulas that feature niacinamide as an active ingredient.
Luckily, niacinamide is gentle. You can apply it during your AM and PM routines, and safely combine it with most other actives. Over-the-counter (OTC) products containing niacinamide are generally well-tolerated by even people with sensitive skin.
What about side effects? Overuse may lead to redness and irritation. Therefore, it’s better to avoid higher concentrations and start on the lighter side, especially if you are new to niacinamide. Rather than use OTC formulas with five percent concentration of Vitamin B3, go with one to two per cent. Also, doctors recommend avoiding niacinamide during pregnancy.

(Are vitamins the answer to your acne troubles?)


A firm favourite among skincare enthusiasts

What makes niacinamide such a crowd-pleaser when it comes to skincare? Few ingredients can match its long list of skin benefits. Here’s a sampling of how it helps:

  • Niacinamide strengthens the skin barrier. How so? Niacinamide helps your skin grow a ceramide barrier that prevents the loss of moisture, results in a supple complexion, and protects the skin from dirt, grime, and bacterial infection.
  • Niacinamide regulates sebum production. That’s definitely a pro for people with oily and acne-prone skin. Niacinamide prevents the sebaceous glands from producing excess oil, which would otherwise clog the pores and lead to acne.
  • Niacinamide calms inflammation. If angry pimples are bothering you, niacinamide can reduce some of the redness and pain. As the inflammation goes down, your blemishes may begin to look less noticeable.
  • Niacinamide helps with acne marks. Dark spots left behind by old pimples are frustrating, but niacinamide can help with those acne scars. It lightens any hyperpigmentation over time, leaving you with even-toned skin.
  • Niacinamide promotes healthy skin. The ingredient acts as a safeguard against damage caused by sun, pollution, and impurities. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles among those with mature skin.

(How to remove dark spots caused by pimples naturally)


Does niacinamide help with active acne?

Yes, it does—at least to an extent. Because niacinamide tackles various signs and symptoms of acne, it minimises the appearance of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

For example, we know that niacinamide regulates sebum production. This benefit prevents excess oil from clogging the pores and allowing acne bacteria to thrive in the pore blockages. Its anti-inflammatory powers also bring quick relief from painful and unsightly zits. Plus, niacinamide is said to minimise the appearance of acne marks when used consistently for several weeks. And given its moisturising properties, niacinamide does not leave acne-prone skin feeling dehydrated while the zits heal.

At the same time, niacinamide has its limitations. Despite its multitasking abilities, this isn’t your best bet against acne. Why not? For starters, it does not exfoliate the skin well enough. More importantly, it is ineffective against acne bacteria.

In short, niacinamide alone won’t fix your acne problem.

(Can pimple patches make your acne disappear?)


How to upgrade your acne care regimen

Bring in the specialist!

An acne-fighter like Clearica Anti-Acne Cream is more effective in dealing with blemishes than a generalist like niacinamide could ever be. Powered by plant actives like green tea, phragmites kharka, eucalyptus leaves, and guava leaves, Clearica Anti-Acne targets all acne symptoms.

This lightweight cream penetrates deep into the pores, eliminates clogs, reduces inflammation, and rejuvenates the skin. It also eliminates acne bacteria and averts the spread of infection.

What’s more? The cream is gentle enough to be incorporated into your everyday skincare routine and there is no need to give up on niacinamide if you don’t want to. Simply make sure to apply your skincare products in the right order and be diligent about your twice-daily skincare routine.



Niacinamide is a versatile ingredient that can help with acne, but don’t expect a miracle cure. A better approach is to combine niacinamide with anti-acne products that are specially formulated to defeat pimples at their root.





Disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation or for diagnostic purposes. Please consult your dermatologist or doctor before acting on any of the information provided here.