Is rose water effective against acne?

Moms and grandmoms go hoarse shouting about the many benefits of rose water. This everyday ingredient has developed a reputation as a cure-all for skin problems. There are even claims that rose water helps with acne. Does it really? Let’s find out! 


What is rose water?


Rose water is produced by distilling water that contains rose petals. It also is a by-product of the manufacture of rose essential oil (1). If you prefer a DIY approach, place rose petals in water and let them steep. 

When buying packaged rose water, keep in mind that the potency can vary a great deal. Some manufacturers produce rose water that contains less than 0.1% of rose essential oil. Other times, that percentage may range anywhere between 10% and 50% (2). The greater the rose essential oil content, the more effective the rose water will be. So, make sure to check the ingredient list when buying a new bottle.


Rose water vs. acne

Research is yet to confirm the anti-acne powers of rose water. But it is gentle enough for even acne-prone skin and usually has no adverse effects. Besides, it promotes skin health and texture, and thereby may indirectly help with breakouts.

1. Rose water soothes the skin.
Pimples, cysts, and nodules are all types of inflammatory acne. They are accompanied by redness and swelling, and sometimes the blemishes are painful as well. Rose water’s anti-inflammatory properties can be handy here

. The Vitamin C and phenolics in rose water bring down inflammation and ease acne-related discomfort.

(Here are 10 easy ways to beat acne redness.)


2. Rose water is an astringent.

Greasy skin is a constant challenge for people with acne. Astringents like rose water cleanse the skin and reduce oiliness. Moreover, while stronger astringents dehydrate the skin (and therefore increase acne risk), rose water is gentle and does not remove essential moisture.


3. Rose water balances the skin.

The skin on your face is naturally acidic. But acne, pollution, cosmetics, and even sun exposure can turn it more alkaline. The pH level of rose water is very close to the natural pH level of your skin. Rose water application restores the skin’s natural balance and minimises irritation.


4. Rose water has antioxidant properties.

Unstable atoms called free radicals can damage the skin cells and eventually lead to acne. The antioxidant powers of rose water inhibit the formation of free radicals and limit their ability to harm the skin. 


(Curious about other ingredients vis-à-vis acne? Check out our guides on green tea and eucalyptus oil.)


How to use rose water for acne

Rose water is the beauty secret that everybody knows about. It may not have a big impact on your acne, but it could improve your complexion. Here are two ways of using rose water on acne-prone skin.

  • Use rose water as a toner: Soak a piece of cotton with rose water till it feels damp but not dripping wet. Swipe all over your face and neck after cleansing. The rose water will remove stubborn dirt, dead skin, and makeup residue from the pores. It will also balance the skin’s pH level.

  • Spritz rose water to hydrate: Fill rose water in a small spray bottle and carry it wherever you go. Anytime your skin needs a boost, close your eyes and spritz some rose water on your face. This will freshen up and hydrate your skin.

Rose water in your skincare routine

Are you keen on incorporating rose water into your daily skin regimen? Here’s one way to go about it:

  • Cleanse: Cleansing your skin of impurities
    is the first line of defence against acne. Make it count! Go for a hard-working product like Clearica Anti-Acne Cleanser. It clears gunk from the pores, washes away acne bacteria, and leaves your skin hydrated.
  • Tone: Rose water makes its appearance post cleanse. Apply with a cotton ball all over freshly cleansed skin and let it absorb. Rose water dislodges stubborn pore blockages, refreshes the complexion, and primes you for the next step.
  • Treat: Are you ready to target the acne bacteria? Clearica Anti-Acne Cream eliminates acne-causing bacteria, limits their spread, and prevents infection. This lightweight product also clears the pores and gives you a healthy glow.
  • Moisturise: Lock in the goodness of your skin regimen with moisturiser for your skin type. Stay safe by applying a moisturiser with sun protection during the day. Switch things up at night with a richer lotion or cream that is more hydrating.

Stick with this routine every day, and repeat it twice daily. Rose water can be a lovely addition to your skincare regimen. Just keep in mind that the road to a healthy, acne-free complexion lies in a consistent skincare habit.




Disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation or for diagnostic purposes. Please consult your dermatologist or doctor before acting on any of the information provided here.